Nolan’s N44 is a handy trail helmet – open face or full-face, you decide…
Riding in the South-East Asian jungle, expecting high temperatures and slow riding, I wanted a helmet that would allow a cool head. I looked far and wide and came up with this solution, the Nolan N44. Nolan call it a crossover helmet and given the mix-and-match capability with visors, peaks and chinbar they also call it a 6-in-1 design. As said, the chinbar is quick-detachable yet still meets EU standards for a full-face helmet. This I liked and I think makes this an ideal trail helmet, too. For the road I’ll always run the chinbar, for riding lanes the open face set-up is spot on (I find when other trail users see a human face, rather than alien-mx-racer, they always react positively). I tested the helmet riding through sections with and without the chinbar and for slow trials type riding, in hot temperatures riding without it makes for easier breathing, and you feel cooler. The lining is antibacterial and moisture wicking and stayed comfortable and fragrant all week. The Microlock2 chinstrap was quick and easy to use. In all a great helmet for adventure/trail riding.
You can get your own N44 from