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News – Meet Rust’s two new contributors



A year on from when we first met and none of us would have fathomed that Nick and Luke would become contributors to RUST or ‘Rustafarians’ so to speak.

I’d like to formally introduce them both but then neither of them is formal so we’ll skip that. I’d rather tell you that these two mates (of many years) bring with them a fresh, jovial and energetic mood to RUST along with a very naughty streak that will only lead us into nefarious adventures in the future, I’m sure. I met them at a ride in Portugal last February and unlike many relationships that are struck at events and then wane, we remained in contact sharing titbits across WhattsApp about our bikes and riding adventures. It became clear that they were passionate, knowledgeable, and humorous, all of which are ideal for entertaining folk. These two are always up for a laugh, our in-house Laurel and Hardy, or Barney and Fred, inseparable really.

They ride, they build, they customise and they like beer. We look forward to you getting to know them as we have and I’m sure you’ll come to the same conclusion myself and Craig have, that they’re top blokes that have the ability to spin a great yarn and lighten your mood. We’ve included a little montage of photos that will hopefully give you a glimpse into what turns their wheels. They certainly have a chequered past as true petrol heads, from racing cars, track bikes and finally coming to their senses and realising that in off road riding and adventuring there lies that special something that scratches an itch like nothing else can. Welcome boys!


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